Search & copy sentences containing #

I’d like to search & copy all rows starting with a # in a big .ods document.

Can this be done using a macro?

What do you mean exactly by rows starting with a #? Do you mean by that "the first character in the first column of a row is a #"?

And to copy is one thing, but without paste the data are lost in memory. So the question is: You want to copy whereto? (new table1, same table new line at the end, into a new file).

Hi, There is only text/sentences in the first column of each row. There are 8838 rows to search through.

I need to copy (only) the first column rows if the first character of the text is a #

Select/mark your first data column. Go to menu Data → More Filters → Standard Filter, from Condition select Begins with, in Value enter # and under Options enable Copy results to, enter a cell reference you want to start the output at, e.g. Sheet2.A1, hit OK.

That worked perfectly! I now have a list of just the lines starting with #
Thanks for your help: you’re my hero :slight_smile:

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