How to Revert to Single Page View

Since three days ago, all files that I create show the odd-numbered pages on the right of the screen and the even-numbered ones on the left (I am writing a novel, so it is pure text). How to revert to a SINGLE vertical display of all pages?

Newly created files display odd-numbered pages on the right and even-numbered ones on the left. I want to revert to a SINGLE vertical display of all pages in numerical order.

[Edit - Opaque] Moved long title to details - updated title

@anon73440385: thanks

Set it to “single page” in the zoom tool at the bottom of the window:

image description

In the bottom status bar, on the right side, there are controls to adjust view:


The small icons at left of zoom slider set resp. single-page, double-page and book view. Click on the leftmost icon.

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