How can I stop LibreWriter from adding an extra line when I press Enter?

How can I stop LibreWriter from adding an extra line when I press Enter? When I press return/enter I want the cursor to go to the next line.

Thank you,

I’m having the same problem, and I found your question while searching for a solution.

If I insert a line, but then hit Enter - to continue typing text, it continues to make lines if I keep clicking Enter, and there is no way to get on the other side of this line in order to keep typing text. I tried using the Esc key, but that doesn’t work either. So I hope someone can answer this question. Thank you for posting it. :slight_smile:

I’m a bit puzzled, since the effect of pressing “Enter” almost universally in text-editing and word-processing environments is to leave a newline/End-Of-Line code appropriate for the OS.

Couldn’t you just use arrow keys to move to a new line, without creating a line break? Or have I misunderstood?

As ever, it would be a help if you clarify which OS and version of LibO you’re using.

Use arrow keys on keyboard to navigate. See picture - I made red rectangle around keys:

You can also use a mouse to click on the line you would like to edit/add new text.

So far, the only thing that seems to be working for me, to erase duplicate lines, is to use Clear Direct Formatting.
Place cursor on whatever line you want gone and click Clear Direct Formatting.