Complain about animation support from powerpoint user

I always know FLOSS are less forgiving to stupid user actions.

Also, effects of .ppt support could be tricky to implement, but please a warning or stop action window is far more better than program freeze: I tried several templates from which looks good, that I found libreoffice will hault on starting presentation.

I don’t know how program works, from my user experience perspective: don’t get whole program freeze.

Try some, ppts

The core issue here, is you must try to know if those work and instantly you got stuck without seeing any warnings.

May put a sign on loading .ppt,
“Warning: open these documents made from Microsoft Office may cause serious problem on your running libreoffice”.

Hi Jiro, I have downloaded this file TS102804846.potx and I can run the slide show. I do not share here because I do not know what are the licence limitations, sorry I do not understand your language.