import file-open


  1. I opened sheet1

  2. imported doc1 by file-open (also saved it by save as…
    3- then i opened sheet2

  3. from the still opened sheet2 (that I keeped open now, without goint go any other page, god bless!) I clicked file - open and imported doc2

  4. now , doc 2 is NOT at sheet 2 bt at sheet 1

Please, if someone sees where is the trick, pelase tell!
Many thanks!

p.s. they just told me to say:
Doc1 and doc2 are .txt

But, it is a TABLE
So, when I import them into calc, I should get TABLE .ods
Is there sth I am doing wrong?
Many thanks!!!

Please @altair explain step by step, giving as much information as possible. E.g. what do you mean for opened sheet1, are you open a file, what file type?

As @mariosv suggests, please be clearer in your questions. I am marking all three of your questions down for now as they are currently unintelligible.