Can you get age from birthdate

If birthdate is a date column, is there a way to calculate a person’s age, like maybe comparing the TODAY function with the column’s date value? Maybe I’m losing it, but I can’t figure out the correct syntax. I’ve tried using the YEARFRAC function, but to no avail. I’ve got to be doing something wrong! Any help appreciated.

I’ve tried using the YEARFRAC function, but to no avail. I’ve got to be doing something wrong!

Yes, definitely. And my crystal ball tells me that you made a mistake in character 32 of your formula with YEARFRAC. Unfortunately, the thing doesn’t want to tell more.

(Yes, that is a hint: when you write something like “I tried to use Foo”, it’s mandatory to also write “… like this: … (specific formula, steps, or whatever, so that others see what you did, to be able to see the problem)”).

You can use YEARFRAC(startdate;enddate;1) or DATEDIF(startdate;enddate;"y") where startdate is the birthday (or a cell reference to such date cell) and enddate is the TODAY() function (or a cell reference to a cell containing such formula). YEARFRAC() returns a value with a fractional part, DATEDIF() returns an integer value.