Reference to cell address from value in other cell


I would like to address a cell by address from other cell (value). Example:

A1 have value “TEST”
A2 have value “OTHER”
A3 have value “A2”
A4 should have value “OTHER” (read from A2)
Changing A3 value to “A1” cell A4 should change to “TEST”

I would like to use it in =SUM() function as:

B1: =SUM(A1:A10) sums all values from row A from columns 1 to 10
but I would like to be able to change A1:A10 values not by editing function =SUM but by editing other cells:

B2: “A3”
B3: “A7”
B1: =SUM(VALUE_FROM_B2:VALUE_FROM_B3) so it would be =SUM(A3:A7) but it should be responsive to B2 and B3 changes.


Excuse me, what do you mean as SUM of “TEST” (A1 and A3) and “OTHER” (A2) in formula =SUM(A1:A10)?

It was second example, sorry for confusion. First wat about getting single value out of cell declared in other cell. Second one was about using =SUM on cells (with number values)

(about first question) Try place to cell A4 formula


Thank You very much, it did the job! I’ve looked at Spreadsheet manual and there was example: =SUM(INDIRECT(“a1:” & ADDRESS(1;3))). In conjuction with =INDIRECT and =CONCATENATE I’ve accomplished what I needed:


It is what i was looking for. Thanks.