Check if Cell Equals 0

Just want to apologize right off the bat, this has to be answered somewhere but nothing I have tried has worked.
I have a formula that counts the number of times something appears in a range of cells. It is a simple sheet to tell me if I am behind on bills. One column is paid, the other is not. The formula counts occurrences of anything in he “unpaid” column and works how I want. That is in B13:


I then want to a formula that checks that cell, and if the number is anything greater than zero, or not zero, then print some text. I have tried:

=IF(B13="0","All bills are current","You are behind on bills")

I have tried replacing the formula in B13 with “0” thinking it was possibly the formula that was causing the issue, but no matter what the formula keeps returning “You are behind on bills”.

Please help, your guidance is greatly appreciated.

With B13="0" you are comparing if the number in B13 is equal to the string “0” which is always false. Use B13=0 instead.

Doh. That worked. Apologies and thank you for the quick answer.