TOC - no chapters/page numbering

Thank you for your comments.

First of all, you are correct: LO version is

I understand I need to put Heading 1 in the text area. The problem is I’m writing a church book and the normal custom is to put the chapter heading at the very top – the Header.

I have tried to modify the header in the master: Insert>Field>More fields…. as you suggested. This did not work. But may I ask: how to modify the master since the Sidebar doesn’t exist in master document?

To clarify: three main bodies in my book (front matter, body, and back matter)

• one column preface (12 pages including front cover, title page, introduction… and TOC) using Roman numerals i to xii;

• main body: two column starting on page 13 but I noticed in the master document it shows ‘13’ (Arabic) and not ‘1’ as I wanted.

Clearly I have not done the setup properly?

Since you are able to change from Roman to Arabic page numbers, you are using page styles. Edit the page break before the main body to force page numbering to restart at one.

The “sidebar” exists also in the master (same F11 command to display it) but it has 2 modes: the traditional one and the structure for the master. You toggle between both with a click on the first icon in the pane toolbar.

With Heading 1 in the text area, is your TOC as expected? This is the first step before getting the header correct.

Thank you for the comments.

I’m pleased to say I’ve been able to sort out the page number and the Arabic number now starts as ‘1’ on the thirteen page. And you are correct that TOC does work well when I insert it in the text area.

So… I still want to try ‘Header 1’ in the Header but since as you say it’s not recommended, I’m wondering if I just dispense the Header altogether and instead add a frame (one column) at the top and use it as ‘Header 1’ and below it add another frame (two columns for the main text body). Would that work?

No. The solution is very simple. Erase everything in your header (to start with, you can add decorations later when you’re familiar with the concept).

Put the cursor in the header. Insert>Field>More Fields. Go toà the Document tab. In Type, select Chapter. In Format select Chapter name. Insert, then Close.

This puts the content of the Heading 1 in effect at the top of the page. This remark is very important. In your case, you must put your Heading 1 as the first paragraph of your chapter, otherwise it will take effect only on next page. If you change Heading 1 mid-page, the one known at the top is used; the new one on next page.

Finally, if you don’t want both the chapter title in the header and as the first paragraph of the chapter (non aesthetic duplication), modify Heading 1 to give it Hidden attribute in Font Effects tab. But Tools>Options, LibreOffice Writer>View and enable Hidden text to facilitate writing.

PS: I tried Insert>Field>More Fields as you suggested but it didn’t work. I only get ‘Table of Contents’ and nothing else.

Ah… I didn’t see the last comment you recently replied. I will try it… thanks again.

When I did as you suggested, I get the correct title for the first chapter but then the same title appears for all the following chapters!

Also when I tried to insert TOC, ‘Table of Contents’ is greyed out.

Warning! The Insert>Field>More Fields opens in the Cross-references tab. If you select a heading here, you get this specific one. You must activate the Document tab to get a “tracking” chapter name.

TOC: which command do you use?

I am clearly in the wrong place?

Within the Master document, at the end of ‘preface’ in the text area I clicked Insert>Table of Contents…. The dialog box shows several tabs: type; entries; styles; columns; background.

I see nothing there for me to ‘activate the document’ as you suggested.

I tried to address your problems in the same comment, probably a bad idea.

  1. the Document tab is related to the header issue

  2. you create the TOC by selecting a +Type* Table of Contents in the 7Type` tab; it is normally preselected when your enter the dialogue

In the subdocuments, I have ‘Chapter 1’ for the first document, ‘Chapter 2’ for the second document, ‘Chapter 3’ for the third document (I actually have specific names but using ‘Chapter*’ for this discussion.

When I open the Master document I have ‘Chapter 1’ for every subdocument!

Somehow, when I open the Master document I also have ‘Table of Contents’ in a grey box. I am unable to delete it. Right clicking and selecting ‘delete index’, saved Master document, then opened it, ‘Table of Contents’ was still there!

You said the Document tab is related to the header issue. Okay, what do I do? Click on the ‘Format Header’ in the Master document? I cannot proceed any further. Please clarify.

You also said: you create the TOC by selecting a +Type* Table of Contents in the 7Type` tab; it is normally preselected when your enter the dialogue

Sorry not clear to me: in the toolbar: Insert>Table of Contents> a dialog box appears and the tab ‘Type’ is already activated. Clicking ‘Okay I ge

Clicking okay I get the same thing again: ‘Table of Contents’ against a grey box and nothing else.

I am able to delete ‘Table of Contents’ by deleting ‘Front Matter’ from the Master document. Re-edit the Front Matter in the sub-document. Then in Master document, insert ‘Front matter’, ‘Table of Contents’ is no longer there. So that’s good. However… Insert>Table of Contents etc… only works on page 9 in the front matter and still I get ‘Table of Contents’ agains a grey box and nothing else. However the strange thing is on page 3 which is what I really want TOC clicking ‘Insert’>… ‘Table of Contents’ is greyed out. What is the difference between page 3 and 9 in the Front Matter? And why?

I don’t believe we can get anywhere from here, unless we have hands on the matter.

Can you upload your master document and one or two of your chapter subdocuments here?

Make a copy of said files, perhaps in a separate folder. Remove any content you deem confidential, private or otherwise “sensitive”. You can also remove links to the subdocuments you don’t submit. Keep front matter as it is if possible. Content does not matter, as long as general document structure is maintained. (Heading, a couple of pages, lists/indents or any other formatting/layout elements you use.)

The gray TOC background (which doesn’t print) is a visual clue that ths part was generated by Writer and not manually typed by you.

If I understand correctly your last comment, your TOC is in the sub-doc called “Front Matter”. This is not the right location. When you generate the TOC in the sub-doc, the TOC machinery only sees the sub-doc and no other chapter. To have a full TOC, it must be added in the master directly.

Be aware that sub-docs have their own independent lives. They don’t interact. You edit one and nothing leaks to the others. When you glue them together with a master, there is some form of “import” taking part of the data (in particular, header/footer are not transferred) to compose the global document.

IMHO your “Front Matter” is typically what should be put as raw material in the master (not linked through a sub-doc). This would solve the TOC issue.

Apologies for the “+Type*” and “7Type`”, my fingers slipped on the keyboard while formatting and there is no preview for comments. Read “Type” and “Type” respectively.

Okay I’ll upload the master copy and two sub-documents but your last comment was interesting: ‘front matter’ should be in the master document and not as a sub-document. Well my ‘front matter’ is a sub-document so is that the reason for the problems I’ve been having? I will try that first but unsure how to do it.

How do I upload Master document, sub-document and front matter? I see nothing on the page to enable me to upload.

Use the Edit link under your question. It will open a text entry field containing your question. Scroll to the bottom. Enter at least one blink line (two is better). Then use the “paper-clip” tool to attach the files (one by one). Separate them with one blank line (two Enter keyins). This is not mandatory but nicer to read.