Short name for LibreOfficeBase?

I used Open Office’s “Base” for many years. I referred to it as ooBase, because “Base” was so Google-search UN-friendly.

If you are an experienced user of LibreOffice Base, I would be interested in your view of the best short-form name for it.

I don’t say “if you are an experienced user” to insult anyone, but I hope to “get onboard” whatever the current de facto short-form name may be, not launch a discussion of “good ideas”.

I shrink from loBase because “l” and “o” are so easily confused with “one” and “zero”.

I shrink from LoBase, because that comes across to me as “low-Base”

LOBase is… not too bad??


IS there a widely used, Google-search friendly, short-form name? Or several?

Short: LibreOffice Base

Shorter: Base


Worst of all since LibreOffice Base is not a Database

Google searches work best with two words, and I think it looks good as well. This is like the naming convention of “MS Access” for example.

LO Base