Why is offline help (F1) unavailabl after v6.0.3.2

I tried to install Xubuntu 20.04 LTS but found that Help was not installed on the version of LibreOffice embedded in that distro

Report to the distro maintainers.

sudo apt install libreoffice-help-<your_country_code> - To get a list of available <country_code> packages: apt search libreoffice | grep ^libreoffice-help

PS: Neither Windows nor Linux platforms have *Help* installed with the LibreOffice core packages (If you got it installed in the past this was done by dependency definitions and/or meta packages (Linux) or customized MSI installs(Windows).
PPS: LibreOffice and Ubuntu 20.04 seems to be incomplete on initial installs. There are several reports her on ask site, reporting various issue, which mostly could be fixed by a complete (purge) deinstallation of all LibreOffice related packages and new install of LibreOffice ( @ajlittoz's comment applies)

@anon73440385: thanks for the remark. I never thought the help was optional. Maybe I’ve always installed the package subconsciously. I made a query on the RPM packages and did not find a dependency, so I probably always add it manually.

@ajlittoz - dependency for sure is not on the rpm or deb level (otherwise I’d call it a core package) but may be introduced on apt, zypper, dnf or whatever meta package manager is being used, levels.

@anon73440385: for routinely used (and mastered) packages, I usually don’t install through meta package to be able to tailor the application to what I need exactly. Generally, I play “belt and suspenders” so I really don’t understand why newbies and beginners don’t install help as a safety rule (and mostly with applications they discover) and above all why they don’t read documentation (even if built-in help is not a tutorial, it is full of very valuable information).