Multi dimensional integral

Hi All,

I need to write in math a multi dimensional integral, the dimension is not known so I need to use individual integral symbols with dots between them. The problem now is that I need to indicate the domain of integration which is D, underneath, at the center all the integral symbols. Then I have to write the integrand. How do I do that?


Daniel Volinski

It would be better if you provided a sample image of the wanted result, an attempted math syntax, and an image of the result obtained, so that others could not try to understand the problem from text.

This one: {{int ... int ""}} csub {size 12 D} F( ) ?

@anon73440385: it might of course be a matter of personal preference, but I feel that empty braces {} are a better alternative telling “nothing” than empty string "", which might still be “some empty string”.

Also the double braces around int ... int might be simplified to single braces.

@mikekaganski - didn’t think about that, just wanted to get rid of a question mark (:-)) and that’s finally a reason not providing an answer and adding a question mark. Removing double braces did not work for me. Tried 2 times before commenting, didn’t understand, gave up, and commented using double braces.

Thank you all!
The source of my question is in the following YT video:
Daniel Volinski

Try int {oper "..." from D { int F()} }

The oper keyword treats the following token as an operator, which allows the from/to attachments. This makes good sense when working with integrals.

If you need to adjust size of domain specifier, use the size keyword. If you need to adjust spacing, cheat by subscript to empty element. Like so: int {oper "..." from {}_{size 12 D} { int F()} }

int oper ... from D int f( x )

int oper ... from D int f( x )

Quite so, @mikekaganski

I often prefer the curly braces to denote the nesting level. It helps me by visualising structure. For this case it is not necessary, of course. You may even say it is counter intuitive because the “arbitrary dimensions” condition defeats level visualising.

Or you could say it is a matter of taste.

Your version is certainly the most concise.

Try something like binom {size 18 ∫ size 8 … size 18 ∫} D.

This is a quick and dirty attempt. You need to tweak the relative sizes of the symbols and choose a better letter for “D”. Here without special markup, it is considered a variable and formatted italics.

You may also need to customise the fonts.

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