Convert PPTX to PDF


I am trying to convert the attached PPTX.pptx ( PPTX.pptx - Google Drive ) to pdf with LibreOffice_6.4.6_Win_x64 using a windows powershell

look! this id Chinese pptx

Libreoffice is being run in headless mode. And the command i use to
soffice.exe --headless --convert-to pdf ‘D:\nfsc\KMS\train.homework\211 hjjghj.ppt’ --outdir ‘D:\nfsc\KMS\train.homework’

I am finding one major issue. Chinese is Landscape and portrait.

first picture open in LibreOffice_6.4.6_Win_x64, this is Not normal.
next picture open in wps app, this is normal, for ordinary people.


your PPTX isn’t available without some rights. Please re-create the link

bad mood, in china, this is a common phenomenon.

Many people write ppt like this, but i can’t read this ppt use LibreOffice.

thank you for your answer, i‘ll’ try other options

I’ll be ready to re-create the link.

this is google driver.

github Releases download

Needs a bug report.

Filed tdf#136225