Zotero and Writer LibreOffice 7.0

Dear Libre Office users
I installed Zotero. Now I want to link the reference manager to Writer. In Zotero, I clicked on tools-adds-on and confirmed “Zotero libre office integrated” with the settings “update adds-on automatically”

Why does it not show up in Writer? It’s not under view; it’s not under the extension manager?

OS=Windows. LibreOfiice 7.0 user
Many thanks


Did you yave a look at Search - Zotero Forums ?


If the integration does not work through the Zotero program, you can make a manual installation. This link describes how to make a manual installation:

The file to find is Zotero_OpenOffice_integration.oxt

If you open the file in LibreOffice (e.g. by double-clicking it) then “Zotero LibreOffice Integration” becomes part of the installed extensions, and the control panel for Zotero should be available. The installed extensions in LibreOffice can be checked in Tools > Extensions Manager.

Hope this helps (it helped me with a similar problem).