how to use the total of a sum function as part of another calulation in libreoffice base

how to use the total of a sum function as part of another calculation in libreoffice base ver

Please provide more complete information. What do you mean by ‘another calculation’? What SQL query have you tried so far? Most likely everything will be done in a single SQL query.

I am using a query on my form to show me the sum of the amount field in one of my tables. Form has 5 tables on it. This is for a Invoice for many customer. some have one line (1 amount) and some have 4 or 5 lines( 4 or 5 amounts) I need to get the total of these amounts and subtract some other costs to give me the profit on this customer.

I can get the total sum but it is a alias and it won’t let me use alias fields as a part of a calculation.

Can you give us the query CODE please? Also, you might want to consider doing your TOTALS via a REPORT (using the Base Report Builder).

SUM( “invitem”.“amount” ) “stotal”,
“total” - “ourcost” - “shipcost” - “motax” - “rsellfee” - “raffee” - “rsalestax” - “rbumpfee” “profit1”
FROM “EddiesG”.“cusinv” “cusinv”,
“EddiesG”.“cusinfo” “cusinfo”,
“EddiesG”.“invitem” “invitem”,
“EddiesG”.“revinfo” “revinfo”
WHERE “cusinv”.“cnum” = “cusinfo”.“cnum”
AND “invitem”.“invnum” = “cusinv”.“invnum”
AND “revinfo”.“invnum” = “cusinv”.“invnum”
GROUP BY “cusinv”.“invnum”
ORDER BY “cusinfo”.“cnum” ASC

should “stotal” be “total”? Any error messages? Also, the SUM function part may not be ‘available’ as an alias unless nested in an inner SELECT clause - assuming that inner clauses are calculated first by the SQL engine. (But I confess I am not an expert in SQL code.)

stotal is the alias for the sum of the amount. total is another field in cusinv table.

What was the error code? Does the query work without the use of an alias?

yes the query works fine but when I try to add a calculation using the alias it says can’t find that field.

See my comments above.


Easiest method is simply duplicate:

SUM( "invitem"."amount" )

as a part of your wanted calculation such as:

SUM( "invitem"."amount" ) - "A" -"B" - "C" As "Profit"

The other method is to embed the select in another. Probably more trouble than it is worth.

Will try that. Thanks for the help