Failour of LibreOffice install

I have tried to install LibreOffice 7.
I get the Following message:

The application cannot be started.
Failed to updatefile:///home/js/.config/libreoffice/4/user/extensions/
bundled/lastsynchronized /home/builsslave/source/libo-core/desktop/

When i try to deinstall the application the system tells me that it’s not installed so can’t be removed.

… the system tells me,

Which system (there a hundreds of Linux distributions, a bunch of macOS versions and a few Windows systems and releases out there)?

At first thanks for the answer.
I’m using Linux Ubuntu 18.04 x64. The AppImage of LibreOffice 7 works fine.
Now I want to have a stable system. Something went wrong with synchronization. I Have fear that other installations will have the same problem?

THX Igorlius.
This two hints helped me.