Missing font for self added Math symbols

Years ago I added two math symbols for my formulas and when I open these documents only the command [%xyz] is shown.

I crated these documents on windows, so these fonts might be missing on linux.

Is there a possibility to

  • lookup which font was used back then
  • which unicode was selected, so I can search other fonts for similar symbols

Please, according to site rules, retag to replace common by math. Press twice Enter to exit tag mode.

Well, my idea of using common is that all document types where you can add formulas are affected, so common sounds more logic to me

No, because the addition of a “custom” character is done in Math. You then insert the result of Math, the formula, anywhere you want. The %command is valid only in Math.


yes - there is a way by inspecting settings.xml, which is part of the ZIP container of the Math .odf file.

  • unzip the math .odf file
  • Open the file settings.xml and search for the name you once defined using an editor (should be able to format the XML data into a readable form; or use xmlstarlet fo settings.xml
  • Search for the name you defined once
  • Go down and look for <config:config-item config:name="FontName" config:type="string">

Example (showing that the font is OpenSymbol for my test definition of xyz)

Hope that helps.

Thx,… that worked out… it was StarSymbol (what else :slight_smile: ), you know what is the libreoffice replacement for that? guess it still exists

I’d guess “OpenSymbol” - but I don’t know.

yes, the math dialog states opensymbol, but I can not locate any font with that name in my filesystem…

Maybe a bonus Question: is there a way to distribute self defined math symbols - they seem to only exist in the one document where you define em…

On my openSUSE Leap 15.2 system using native TDF packages (not distribution packages)

user@system:> find  /opt/libreoffice7.0/ -name "opens*"

they seem to only exist in the one document where you define em…

No - they exist in the LibreOffice user profile in file resgistrymodifications.xcu (Example here: FLETTER)

<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Math/SymbolList">
        <node oor:name="FLETTER" oor:op="replace">
            <prop oor:name="Set" oor:op="fuse">
            <prop oor:name="Char" oor:op="fuse">
            <prop oor:name="Predefined" oor:op="fuse">
            <prop oor:name="FontFormatId" oor:op="fuse">

Yes you are right… its /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/fonts/truetype/opens___.ttf