graph to find most popular time.

Okay so I have a 2 colum table. Event (type), timestamp (16digit epoc).

Based on this I would like to be able to graph each unique type of event [like, comment, status, etc] against the date and time, so I can see what date and time has the most events happening.

y axis needs to be each unique event type, x axis needs to be the date that it occured.

csv example:
like,	1612022155723156
like,	1612022103327834
post_comment,	1612022091183808
comment,	1612022065096014
follow,	1612022057897053
comment,	1612022053321432
status_comment,	1612022025121518
comment,	1612021983746577

I have added a 3rd colum that converts epoc to datetime rounded to the nearest 30mins. But for the life of me I cant work out how best to get a scatter or line graph that actually displays what I need. So far have only managed to either display each date as a series, or each indivudual event. Not each type as a legend… I think I’m looking for something that looks like a spectum analiser, or a bar chart with the count of unique events types displayed.

(Slightly edited by @Lupp for better readability.)

Please explain the term “most popular time” in clear relation to your question.
Concerning the example data, please explain the meaning of the numbers. Just “time” isn’t clear enough.

popular is defined as what date and time has the most events happening, with a breakdown of what events make that up. So I can see when the most interaction is, or drill down to see when the most likes are, or most comments, etc.

Hope somebody else will fiind this sufficient information.