How to remove white line between two table columns?

It’s a 1 row 2 column table, with no borders whatsoever, this white line appears even when I convert it to pdf which looks horrible.

Link to the image:

The only way I could get rid of that (in PDF) was to add a border line between left and right cell having the same color as the background.

That worked! huh, I thought there would be a direct way to remove that line.

Thank you.

I thought there would be a direct way to remove that line.

me too - but I couldn’t find any. From my perspective this might be a PDF-export bug. Therefore don’t take my first comment as “supposed-to-work-this-way-solution” but as “pragmatic workaround”.

What is your OS and LO version? I can’t reproduce here on my Linux box with Are you sure you set borders to none?

OS is Pop OS, version (from Help window in Writer) is, I think I need to update.

With borders to None and Line style to None and Background selected for Table the PDF doesn’t show the white line in LO The same settings for Cell color result in thin white lines between the table cells.

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There is no LO 7.4.2…

Typo. My bad, thanks for pointing that out.