Text off screen

I’ve copied text from Scrivener and pasted it into new odt documents and the text goes off the screen to the right. How do I get this formatted correctly? I don’t even see a “right indent tab” on the ruler.

It has probably pasted it as a Scrivener object, although possibly just in a frame or in a section. You might need to click Edit > Paste special > Paste special (Ctrl+Shift+V) and select formatted text or unformatted text. If you have set up your paragraph styles then you might prefer to choose unformatted text.

To tell the type of pasting, enable most of the clues in View, notably boundaries and formatting marks.

(Ctrl+Shift+V) was exactly what I ended up doing. I appreciate the heads-up;)

Adding to @EarnestAl answer, you can use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V to paste as unformatted text. Shortcut Keys for LibreOffice Writer.