Contents of a cell dependant on date

My check register. Starting at C21=date, D21=dep, E21=check, F21=Bal thru C400
Row B3= Jan, Feb, Mar…
Row A4=Savings

What I’d like is: B5 = if (today= (scan(C21:C66)), F#) so that B5 automagicly contains today balance.
C5 = if (today= (scan(C67:C94)), F#)


Example ODS file

(Edit: transferred example file from Answer to here -AK)

Please attach a sample file.

Please take a look to the attached file, can some formulas solve your question?

=IFERROR(INDEX(F:F;SUMPRODUCT(MAX(($C$11:$C$72=TODAY())*ROW($11:$72))));"Out of date")


Getting close


works for Jan but only during Jan. From Feb 1 on I need the default to be C65 so that it uses the last day of the month

SUMIFS doesn’t seem to have a “if fail”

‘if fail’ it’s zero as result. I don’t understand what you want. Please redo the file using the formula and showing what you want to achieve and where. (Please edit your question to add the new sample file)


works for June as do the other 11 Thanks

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