LibreOffice incompatible with Windows 7

all libre writer programs ive tried crash using window 7 laptop pc, how can i fix this?

not sure which ones ive tried but the latest one was 7 something

somehow i got this

Should run if you’ve the SP1, see: System Requirements | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft
(Thanks to @mikekaganski who spotted the mistake in my previous reply.)

Make sure there is no security application that is preventing LO from running. It should have a black/white list, soffice.bin should be allowed.

Edit: I ran a search on the pictures matching “Program compatibility” and found that one that seems pretty close: Windows 7 : Managing Application Compatibility (part 3) - Using the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter , Suppressing Compatibility Controls Using Group Policy - IT Tutorials, IT step by step, Product reviews and prices

And that one:

Try to switch it off. But rather strange that it would detect LO as an old software!

thanks guys but im not tech savy and ihave no idea what your talking about of how to find out,

If you open your Windows menu and go to the options or settings (I’ve a French machine, the wording can differ but I hope you get the idea). Then in System, go to the About entry. You should see what flavor of Windows you run and if there is a SP1 somewhere.

Then, your screenshot seems not to be a Windows system application but a 3rd party application like an antivirus or something like that (but I may be wrong). Is there any antivirus running and in its settings, is there a white list (or a black list) to allow or deny applications from running? If so, check if there is LibreOffice (or a process called soffice.bin) listed.

when you say

If you open your Windows menu and go to the options or settings (I’ve a French machine, the wording can differ but I hope you get the idea). Then in System, go to the About entry. You should see what flavor of Windows you run and if there is a SP1 somewhere.

windows 7 is nothing like that al all, nothing saying about entry in system

doesnt sound like your running windows 7 at all

i cant see how to add a photo here , im not tech savy, im alonst 50 and have had a stoke fidn it hard to use a comuter

See: Windows 7 Control Panel Features - dummies

In the Windows update section, you may find if you’re up to date with that SP1. I’m quite sure you are but better make sure of it.

LibreOffice installer will check for the required updates, and will not allow you to install on Windows 7 without SP1. So I assume that you will see the SP1 there.

The problem there is likely not because of absent necessary updates (unless you, or someone for you, has “faked” SP1 installation, which people sometimes do for unclear reason, thinking that SP1 is undesirable for them; let’s assume this is not the case here). But to find out the problem, you need to check simple things first.

  1. Check is LibreOffice (Safe Mode) works for you (there should be such entry in your Start menu). If it does, then it’s likely a profile issue, and the safe mode dialog could allow you to reset LibreOffice to “factory defaults”.
  2. Check if there are better logs in system when the crash happens. That could shed some light if #1 does not work.

SP1 is so old that I doubt it was never installed. I’ve edited my reply, I may be on something.

thankyou i managed to find that I do have sp1

re Check is LibreOffice (Safe Mode) works for you (there should be such entry in your Start menu). If it does, then it’s likely a profile issue, and the safe mode dialog could allow you to reset LibreOffice to “factory defaults”. -
Check if there are better logs in system when the crash happens. That could shed some light if #1 does not work.- when i was trying to get it to work, or it had creashed, not exactly sure I did try dafe mode and resetting to factory defaults or something like that but it still crashes.

Have you checked the links I’ve provided about the W7 compatibility utility?