Using templates, a save is deadly isn't it?

Even though I appreciate the template to set up my page, and that saves me setup time when starting out, two time wasters occur when I go to save the newly written document.

First, I have to change the type of document instead of saving the current document as a template. Certainly don’t want to overwrite my template!

Second, the document wants to save itself in the template storage area, a handful of sub-folders away from My Documents, so navigating back to a normal saving location is also quite a chore.

Can you please tell me how to navigate these hardships easier?

Describe your workflow in more detail.

You seem to incorrectly use templates by editing .ottfiles, instead of using File -> New -> Templates and select a template, which would result in a new file called Untitled 1 based on the template chosen from the template selection list.

This is because your skeleton document is a template for you, not for Writer. Technically, a template file has extension .ott, not .odt (middle “t” stands for template, middle “d” for document and final “t” for text).

You can of course open your .ott with a double-click and Ctrl+S or File>Save (As) takes care not to overwrite it by changing the extension to .odt. However, with this workflow, you don’t change default save behaviour which is in the same directory as the initial document.

To get what you’d like, your user .ott template must be “declared” to Writer so that it is stored among the other templates (more sophisticated schemes are possible, with multiple template directories, but you seem to be a newbie, so start with simple things). You do that with the various items in File>Template.

First step is to use Save as Template. Then use Manage Template to designate your preferred default template.

You seem to be working under Windows. There is a bug in this OS with regard to creating new documents. Don’t do it with the OS New Document. It creates an empty file which will not be attached to your user template. Consequently, always create new documents from inside Writer.

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Technically, a template file has extension .ott, not .odt

Just a small clarification.

The actual difference is its MIME type. ODT has application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text in its mimetype, while OTT has application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template. This is set correctly when you Save As with correct type; it has several consequences - e.g. create two OTTs, one created correctly, and another just a renamed ODT, and try File->Open each of them. See how the correct template results in a new document, while the renamed one opens itself (but suggests an ODT when you use Save As).

Not that it matters here, of course :slight_smile: