I would like to download help files

I have just installed Libre Office 7 on Windows 10. I would like to have the Help files on my computer but can’t seem to locate them. Would be grateful for some help.
Thanks in advance

I have just installed Libre Office 7 on Windows 10
I have just installed Libre Office 7 on Windows 10.

This info is not sufficient to provide a direct link, since there are several versions of LibeOffice 7 as there are:


(as per bottom of today’s download page at Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft)

The question seems to be answered but as additional assistance, you might like to also download the Calc Guide from the Documentation page of LibreOffice. Cheers, Al


go to Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft and download the file provided by link “Help for offline use” and install the download file.

(Remark: Image is not for the current release)

Please note

  • Language of offline help download and installation must match your user interface (UI) language
  • Offline helps opens in your browser (watch URL starting with file:///)