One document, two translations, paragraphs crosslinked

What i want to achieve is one document (with a toplevel outline structure) that contains two translations of the same text, and some way the paragraphs should be cross-linked so that the reader can click to jump between the two translations.

I’d like this information either not to show up in print, or to have a global style that can be set to invisible before printing.

Possible options are:

  • numbered paragraphs (lists) but formatting is clumsy and i’ll need to restart numbering by hand at every crossing of the toplevel outline structure.

  • frames with Label or Marginalia style, but i’m also not too happy with them, although they seem to be the best option.

And i’m also trying to avoid the need for excessive macro voodoo to set this all up, but i’m ready to do that, too. Ideal would be something style based, although i guess the cross-links themselves are not something that can be set up using styles…

Any good ideas?

Anything that scales to three translations?

i gave up on this. i van render what i want by turning it into an ordered-list and change the rendering styles (which works pretty well these days in LO, bravo!).

but adding actual clickable links is too cumbersome, and when turning the book into an epub the ordered-list interferes…

The good solution for this would be to create an invisible table and keep all paragraphs in separate cells and different translations in columns side by side, works best and needs no magic to set up. As an extra bonus works in print as well :slight_smile:

If you would like to have links, then probably having numbered outline and using macro to add links to other languages below headings might be the way to go. Should work well if headings are not that rare.

Edit: here is an handcrafted example of interlinked multilanguage document.odt

it’s a book, the primary goal is not that the paragraphs are synced up, but a nice ebook to read, so i don’t want a table.

but regarding “add links below headings”, could you expand on what you mean by that? using frames, or how? i assume by “headings” you mean the list numbering labels? i’m rather new to libreoffice, pardon my slowness…