How can i make libreoffice tally values in one column based on criteria in another?

log assistance sheet.ods ok here is the file.I have v4 of libreoffice calc on a windows 8 and I am trying to make a job sheet that calculates the amount of time I spend on a certain software a day. in one column I have my dates. I another column I have when I started and ended and then in the next column I have how many hours it took me to complete the job. My goal is to get a cell set up so that it will add up the total hours spent on the software each day. I have already tried =Sumif(date column,date,hour column) and it just leaves me with a zero value even though there are values in the hour column. I would attach a sheet with the what I have on it but apparently you need points for that so I can’t, sorry.

That worked great now is there a way to make that populate a column of cells with only the dates changing? I already tried the highlight and drag method and it changed the cell ranges not the dates.

You should have enough karma to attach the file now.

In any case, please be sure that in SUMIF you are using the same data type in date column than in date.

@oweng: I still get shown only one karma point for SamuelF.

@Lupp, someone else has downvoted my upvote. Since I can only upvote once it will be up to others to address this further.

@Oweng, done.

@mariosv @Lupp, maybe it is because the post is a wiki? I still only see 4 points against the OP name.

:ballot_box_with_check: community wiki (karma is not awarded & many others can edit wiki post).

I have added 3 karma points.

They are several issues in the formula to sum:


No possible to enter dates to search in this form, it is not a date for calc but two divisions. You can enter the date in other cell and reference it or better use the function DATE(2014;08;21).

And finally values to sum are in different row than dates to search, It can be solved by begin the range to sum in the next row to the range to search.


Please take a look to the second sheet, in my opinion set up data as a database table make easy enter data and do calculations.

Modified sample file

That worked great now is there a way to make that populate a column of cells with only the dates changing? I already tried the highlight and drag method and it changed the cell ranges not the dates.

Enter a date in a cell and in the next cells reference to this one plus 1. Updated the sample file.