Formula to display "October/November"

I have a sheet with 7 columns, one for each day of the week showing only the day value. I also have a cell which shows the month in text format example “October”. I wish that in those weeks which overlap between two months, the value of this cell changes to “October/November”.

I managed to write a formula that determines if there’s overlap or not =IF(MONTH(C2)=MONTH(O2),C2,1) where C2 is Monday and O2 is Sunday. I am unable to set the value to the combination of the two (with what should I replace the 1 above?).

I keep researching. and this escalated into a rather big problem. No wonder you’re asking this question.

C2 containing the starting date of your week:

=TEXT(C2;"MMMM") & IF(MONTH(C2) = MONTH(C2+6); ""; " /  " & TEXT(C2+6;"MMMM"))

Better: Put the FormatCode (according with your locale) into A1 and the delimiter (above " / ") into A2. Then:

=TEXT(C2;A1) & IF(MONTH(C2) = MONTH(C2+6); ""; A2 & TEXT(C2+6;A1)).

In my testing this code works with the spreadsheet I reverse-engineered although I can’t make promises it’ll work later:


    ) & "/" & TEXT(


No newlines:

=IF(MONTH(C2)==MONTH(O2); TEXT(NOW(); "mmmm") & "/" & TEXT(NOW()+O2; "mmmm"); 1)

The file: This and next month in a cell with overlapping days, rautamiekka 0.ods

That would return the present month and not the month of the date in C2 or O2. Also, if there’s overlap the formula would return “1”.

@Chris, I know, I had no clue what else to put there.

I found a solution myself with the following formula:


This seems too cumbersome but it is functional.