Why does a database not show up in the labels window

I open the labels window, but the database that I want to use is not shown in the dropdown list. I want to print lables for a xmas card envelopes

In Writer, check to see if your database is registered. Press F4 (Data Sources Button). A split screen should be displayed. On the left hand side, you should see a list of the registered databases (Bibliography should be there by default). If your database is not shown, right click to show “registered databases” dialog. Select “new” and browse to your database file.

If you are using a spreadsheet, you will have to set it up as a database. I do not recall the procedure, but can be found in the LO manual or maybe by searching Ask LO.

F4 does nothing. Tools > Bibliography Database does nothing.
In neither case does anything happen. How do I make a new bib database?