Please help recover .doc file content.

I was working on .doc file in LibreOffice in Ubuntu 12.04. I had created the file by create New document feature in Ubuntu and specified “name.doc” as file and so the file opened in openoffice automatically when I tried working on it. SO I did some work closed the file and then opened it sometime later and then it asked me for formating Unicode etc. I seleted Unicode. I got curious as to what this formating means to opened it again in a different formating. That changed a few symbols to I thought of going back to Unicode but this time all the content turned into random symbols.
Can I recover my document?

This is the content of the document.
It has some solutions to some problems I am working on.

믯冿敵瑳潩਱潐敷⁲敤楬敶敲⁤祢氠獡牥倬‰ㄽⴰ″੗敂浡搠慩敭整Ⱳ搠㴠㈠ㄪⴰ″੭效据ⱥ倠睯牥搠湥楳祴‬䑐㴠㐠潐⠯胏㉤ ‽ㄳ⸸ㄳ圠洯ਲ上睯愠獳浵湩⁧⁡潬獳漠⁦〲‥湩琠敨映捯獵湩⁧祳瑳浥਺潐敷⁲敤楬敶敲⁤祢氠獡牥倬‰:part_alternation_mark:㠮ㄪⴰ″੗敂浡搠慩敭整Ⱳ搠㴠ㄠⴰ″੭效据ⱥ倠睯牥搠湥楳祴‬䑐㴠㐠潐⠯胏㉤ ‽⨴⸰⨸ㄳ⸸ㄳㄽ㄰⸸‶⽗㉭ਊਊ畑獥楴湯㈠䰊湩⁥楷瑤⁨景䠠ⵥ敎氠獡牥‬裢暆㴠〱″穈伊数慲楴杮眠癡汥湥瑧ⱨ츠₻㘽㈳㠮渠੭潰敷Ⱳ倠‽〱㌭圠倊慬据潣獮慴瑮‬⁨‽⸶㈶⸶〱㌭‴獊猊数摥漠⁦楬桧ⱴ挠㴠㌠ㄮ㠰†⽭ੳ湅牥祧漠⁦⁡桰瑯湯椠ⱳ⁥‽捨 믎㴠⸰㌰㐱㈱ㄪⴰ㜱上浵敢⁲景瀠潨潴獮攠業瑴摥瀠牥猠捥湯Ɽ丠㴠倠支縠ㄳ㠮ㄪ㄰‴猯䄊敲⁡景戠慥灳瑯椠ⱳ䄠㴠켠犀㴲켠⢀〱㌭㈯⤠㴲⸷㔸⨴〱㜭洠ਲ效据ⱥ丠䄯㴠㐠㈮㈹ㄪ㈰‱⵭⸲⵳਱潐敷⁲畯灴瑵映牯愠戠慬正潢祤瀠牥甠楮⁴牡慥椠⁡楧敶牦煥敵据⁹慲杮⁥獩਺ठ倉㴠ਠ扁癯⁥灡牰硯浩瑡潩慷⁳潰獳扩敬戠捥畡敳琠敨映敲畱湥祣眠摩桴椠⁳畭档猠慭汬牥琠慨桴⁥牦煥敵据⹹上睯‬ਠ桔獩朠癩獥甠㩳ਠ汁整浲⁳牡⁥湫睯硥散瑰映牯吠†⤨匊汯楶杮朠癩獥›⁔‽⸵㜸⨷〱‹ੋਊ儊敵瑳潩ਲ਼刊摹敢杲映牯畭慬朠癩獥›‬⁚獩琠敨愠潴業⁣畮扭牥䘊牯椠湯穩摥䠠汥畩敩䠠⭥娬㈽刊摹敢杲挠湯瑳湡ⱴ删ㄽ〮㜹ㄪ㜰洠ㄭ匊潦浲汵⁡潦⁲慷敶畮扭牥戠捥浯獥›權㴱⸴㠳⠸ⴱ⼱:arrow_heading_up:㌽㈮ㄹ洠ㄭ權㴲⸴㠳⠸⼱ⴴ⼱⤹:part_alternation_mark:㘮㤰‵⵭਱㍫㐽㌮㠸ㄨ㤯ㄭㄯ⤶:part_alternation_mark:㈮㌱″⵭਱㑫㐽㌮㠸ㄨㄯⴶ⼱㔲㴩⸰㤰㜸″⵭਱㕫㐽㌮㠸ㄨ㈯ⴵ⼱㘳㴩⸰㔰㘳″⵭਱儊敵瑳潩਴圊⁥楦獲⁴潣灭瑵⁥敲楳瑳湡散漠⁦桴⁥畔杮瑳湥眠物੥潐敷Ⱳ㵐㜠‵੗潖瑬条ⱥ㵖㈱‰੖敌⁴⁒敢琠敨爠獥獩慴据⁥潳眠⁥慨敶›㵒嘠⼲㵐 ਠ

Which language is it? Is it mostly correct, with some odd characters in between, like “⨷〱‹ੋਊ”? What is the content you are missing - what type of text, some example words?