"Community wiki" = no karma?

Can someone explain what the following means?

community wiki (karma is not awarded & many others can edit wiki post)

I don’t understand what the intent of that is as an option for a message post.


See also Please add deprecation message to "community wiki" checkbox

Since a wiki is usually edited by a couple of different people, over a longer period of time, it is impossible for the system to judge who actually wrote the part that make people upvote or downvote the article (be it a question or answer).

So to keep things simple it just won’t give karma points to wiki-posts. I.e. if people upvote a wiki-article, the user won’t get any karma for it, as the cited line tells.

If a regular article is upvoted, the author gains karma points for providing something that is helpful to others.

Because karma points are so vitally important to gaining powers on this site, it seems unlikely that people (at least those starting out) would give up potential karma points for any benefits of making an entry be group-editable. In its current implementation, cost v. benefit is too low for me :slight_smile:

If a regular article is upvoted, [. . . etc]

Thanks. What is a “regular” article? (A post that doesn’t ask a question?)

If I understand that and the rest of your reply correctly, one won’t want to choose the “community wiki” option (i.e., he/she will leave it unchecked) if his/her post is a ‘question’ rather than some form of ‘informative’ post that’s intended to be an analog of a Wikipedia entry (one in this case related to LibreOffice).

I think this is is a related, but separate question. Certainly not an answer to your own original question. Could you create a new question out of this? Thanks.

Sorry (belatedly). I never saw the above reply (from almost exactly one year ago). I understand the earlier explanation (i.e., reply post to my question) more clearly now so don’t feel that an additional post is needed. (“Regular article” obviously just meant one not marked “Community wiki.”)