Can I use the -convert-to, or is there any other way, to convert a worksheet in an xls into csv

Currently, the -convert-to parameter can be used to convert an xls into a csv file, but it can only do so with the front worksheet. I have come to need the converting of a specific worksheet in a workbook. Can this be done with the CLI parameters, or is there another way to do so?

Currently I have excel and LO installed, so for such needs I run a vbs script that opens a hidden session of excel, switches to the appropriate worksheet and then saves it as a csv file with semicolon delimiters.

If LO does not have a parameter for that, is there a way to do what I currently do with excel but with LO Calc?

This is the VBS I use:

Const xlCSV = 6

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")


objExcel.DisplayAlerts = FALSE
objExcel.Visible = FALSE

Set objExcelWorkbook = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook

objExcelWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet Name").Activate

objExcelWorkbook.SaveAs "destination.csv", xlCSV, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1


I am not sure how to even create an object that opens LO Calc.

Why don’t you just open your csv-file with Calc. There is a wizard in Calc for opening csv-files. Once thereafter you can save it as and odt-file, which automatically makes it a workbook.