advanced find and replace (150 different F&R values)

say i got 32000 cells, 1 column.
I want to be able to find and replace
value 1 with x
value 2 with y
value 3 with z

i have 150 different values.
is there a way to automate this? or will i have to run ctrl h 150 times manually?

Please explain a bit maybe regular expression could help. Several values to replace with the same or one by one, or …?


If I understand the question you can get the result in B with :

  • A: Initial data
  • D: Data to search
  • E: Replacement data
  • B, Formula: =IF(SUMPRODUCT(A2=$D$2:$D$4)=0;A2;INDEX($E$2:$E$4;MATCH(A2;$D$2:$D$4;0)))



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