Libre Office 5.05 refuses to install on given path but reverts to C:\Program Files(x86)

Using Windows 7 64bit English Home premier using LibreOffice_5.0.0_Win_x86 installer,

It goes in OK but not where I want it, the C: drive is a 128GB SSD and I do not want programs on it,
Libre Office 4 works where put

[edit: added win7 + lo5 tags]

Hi floortester

LO-5 is from LibreOffice Fresh & as such may be buggy. You need to get used to using Bugzilla (or the Bug Assistant).

The alternative is to use LibreOffice Still (more stable, and thus a less exciting ride).

If this helps then please tick the answer (:heavy_check_mark:)

…and/or show you like it with an uptick ()