print 2 pages on 1 sheet and serial number each page

Thanks to the answer I received here, I am able print 2 pages on 1 standard sheet of paper without problems. This is working very well for us. It worked when other approaches (such as mail merge) would not work. (Our document formatting seems to be too complex to put into a label template.) This approach also does not add complexity to maintaining the document, and we like that.

Now I need to sequentially serial number each page. For example, say a 1 page document needs 100 copies printed with unique serial numbers from 00 to 99. Serial numbers 00 and 01 would be printed on the first sheet of paper (because we print 2 pages on 1 sheet).

Lacking other ideas, we tried printing the complexly formatting document (2 pages per sheet) first, then running the printed documents through the printer again to add the unique serial numbers with mail merge. Obviously, this is not a great solution. But without better solutions, we tried it.

However, when printing 2 pages per sheet using the technique in the answer linked here, the same serial number is repeated on both pages on that sheet (e.g., both pages on the first sheet are serial numbered 00). So that did not work…

When attempting it with Mail Merge, only the first sheet is printed in the correct (landscape) orientation. All subsequent sheets are printed in portrait. Is this a Mail Merge bug in LO 5.0?

Is there another way to solve this issue?

Print 2 pages on 1 sheet - I can’t get it to print correctly [closed] - Ask LibreOffice

I have now downgraded my main computer from LO 5 to LO 4.4.x and I am able to successfully do what I was asking about in this question.

I assume you are using the method given by @Regina in here

When you say

However, when printing 2 pages per sheet using the technique in the answer linked here, the same serial number is repeated on both pages on that sheet (e.g., both pages on the first sheet are serial numbered 00). So that did not work…>

how did you get serial numbers if you did not use Mail Merge i.e. what method did you use before you tried mail Merge to get a serial number on the documents?

When I try this using Mail Merge for the serial number it works fine - looks as though there may be a problem with Mail Merge in LO 5.0 although as you said you can create the serial numbers by printing the documents a second time using Mail Merge to create the final documents.

You have described a similar problem here when using the Label template.

Yes, I am are using the method given by @Regina at the link you used. I’m not sure if you have given a solution in your answer. If so, it isn’t apparent to me. And, no, even running the document through the printer a second time does not work because the same serial number is repeated on both pages.