More than one kind of bullets in a single level list

I have a single level bulleted list. I would like to use two kinds of bullets in this list, e.g. + and - to mark pros and cons items.

Why not use two lists? If you have no numbering, nobody will notice it. Make a Pro and Cons list and use all the same settings in both lists, but only different bullet characters.

If you want different colors, then define a character style “Bullet red” and “Bullet green” both inherit from “Bullets”, where you set the font color (tab Font Effects) to red and green. After you have defined this styles, you can choose them from the drop-down list “Character style” in the tab “Options” from the list style dialog. Make sure that you use a Font in the character style, that contains the characters which you want to use for your bullet. The bullets from the preset belong to the font “OpenSymbol”.

You are right. That’s very elegant solution, thank you. I would upvote your answer, but I don’t have enough karma yet. BTW, when I select color bullets from Bullets and Numbering → Image dialog, I’m not getting the same nice design as the checkmarks in Bullets and Numbering → Bullets in lower right corner. Is there a way to get them in green and red?