questionmarks instead of cyrillic letters

Hey all,

just commented a cyrillic text in cyrillic letters, but after saving the documents the characters in comments changed to questionsmarks in contrast to the latin letters which remained unchanged. The main text is, however, represented correctly. The changing of the character type in the comment bubbles didn’t help.

Many thanks!

LO default is UTF-8. Assuming that you have not changed that default (you are on your own if you have) then a glyph which is a ‘?’ indicates that the font in use does not contain a proper glyph for that Unicode character. Thus, to fix this you will need to change the font used for Comments to one which contains glyphs for all the chars that you are using.

If you are getting a � character (U+FFFD) instead of the ШϸѬЏБ that you entered I would expect this to normally be a character error rather than a font problem. Font problems would normally be little rectangles a little like the . The latter can be a missing character in the font or the one chosen by the Font Replacement Table.

If it is the former � this can often be found in Windows system by cutting and pasting text where the Russian is not understood by the pasting program or one is using a keyboard set to Russian iso-8859-5. This would not produce valid Unicode… Interesting question…Peter