Delete button on spreadsheet from a macro (solved)


The attachemnt is a stripped down version of a spreadsheet for recording expenses. Periodically I archive the data by duplicating the ‘TripRecords’ via the ‘Save Data’ button on the sheet. The associated macro copies ‘TripRecords’ to ‘Newsheet’ (simplified here) and ‘freezes’ the data by getDataArray/setDataArray. This is all working.

Can I now delete the button on the copied sheet to avoid the data being corrupted?

Thanks to Pierre-Yves Samyn, the job is mostly done. RemoveByIndex() & Dispose() dissociate the macro from the button and the control from the shape (although I’m not sure I fully understand my own code), but the shape is still there. The data is now ‘safe’, but it would be tidy to delete the button from the sheet, which should be quite simple …

Would you mind to attach an example document demonstrating your issue?
“Macros are bad” is a not too excentric position among spreadsheet users. If you do not need the maxros at all, you can delete them from the containing module.
Archiving data in the full sense, however, may require to detach them from formulae. This is not a corruption but a change of purpose. Doing this the archive must not overwrite the functional spreadsheet, of course.

I’ll act on this as soon as I have time. Sorry for delay.
How do I make an attachment to my comment?

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See examples in DeleteButton.ods


Many thanks, Pierre-Yves. This does almost exactly what I want. What I have here does the important stuff, but doesn’t actually delete the button. It seems to have one more level of ‘nesting’ (form within forms) than I expected. (Sorry - this listing loses its layout)
oForms = oSheet.DrawPage.Forms
For i = 0 to oForms.Count - 1
oForm = oForms.getByIndex(i)
If oForm.hasByName(“SaveData”) then
exit sub
Next i

Hi - I do not understand your comment.

You asked “how to delete button” and that is what my code do. What you add is the removal of the form which is quite something else and was not asked.


Perhaps my terminology is wrong Pierre-Yves; I understood that the button was a form. Your subroutine did exactly what I wanted,but it was called from a button on the same sheet. The only difference is that mine is called from a button on a different sheet, so the method oEvent.Source.Model.Parent did not connect to the sheet I was working on. It’s very close to perfect. I have attached the spreadsheet to the question, incorporating parts of your code. Mercie mille fois pour votre aide!

This turned out to be a simpler problem than I realised. I had to get the range of ALL cells overlapped by the button and clear objects therein.

oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(left,top,right,bottom)

I had previously assumed that the cell containing the anchor would be sufficient, but not so.

Thanks to those who helped my journey of discovery.