Why Text into the cell not visible When I typed in Calc?

Text into the cell not visible When I typed in Calc. It looks white when I typed into the cell in Calc. After minimize Calc Or resize the cell, text is visible. But there is no error in Portable LibreOffice Version about this bug.
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Open Calc
2.Type any text into any cells
3.Press Enter
4.It crached. Text not visible. It becomes a white line on the text
5.When I resize the cells, text is visible.
Screen Shot from Calc about this bug

If your version is LibO V5.1:
This appears to be a variant of the OpenGL blacklist issue. Try to turn off the option ‘Use OpenGL for all rendering’ in ‘LibreOffice’ > ‘View’.

This ius a different issue. The whole worksheet in a workbook disappears