Macro Record Disappears When Recording to Open a Document

Hi, when I try to record a macro that opens a certain document, the little macro window disappears as soon as the document is opened … thus not having recorded the macro.

Anyone who can help me in this ?


That topic has been addressed on an OpenOffice forum. I found their solution to work if I omitted the Empty()=Array() line, i.e.

sub Main
rem Empty() = Array()
testDoc=StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(FileName, "_blank",0,array())
end sub

thx, works cake.
Probably my google phrase was to off to find the article … but with that little coding I can achieve, I would have failed at the “rem” you’ve set anyways.

Looking for someone who can help me to set up some macros to write / retrieve from table and some formatting etc. for 1 hour skype session …
