Copy a table cell and the cell background color

In Libreoffice writer, I have a table, I have for some cells selected a backgroundcolor through right click->properties->background color which works fine.

Now I want to copy a cell, I click ctrl-c and then ctrl+v.
But only the content of the cell is copied not the background.

I have also tried Table->Chosse->Cell and then ctrl+c+ctrl+v
And also tried the menu copy and menu paste.

But al result is that only the content is copied, not the background color.

Update: to try first answering

But paste special format, does neither work, does not giving expected resultat, insted a weird looking cell inside the cell.

image description


You are right, copy & paste (including Paste Special) does not copy the cell with its background.
Workaround : use the Clone Formatting tool (Standard toolbar):

  • select the “source” cell (not the content): e.g. select 2 cells then “return” on the first
  • Click the Clone Formatting tool
  • Click the “target” cell

There are ongoing discussions and work for the development of styles for tables in Writer. This would be real good solution.

HTH - Regards

That semi work, I can get the background color to the new cell, but still need to copy the content on its own.

Yes unfortunately, this is why I mentioned a workaround, not a solution.