Typewriter Sounds

Since I switched to Ubuntu 12.04 and then had to rely completely on LibreOffice I’d only missed one thing.

A program which could launch typewriter sounds while typing. For instance, in Windows I used this: http://www.colorpilot.com/soundpilot.html for a long time.

I learned that this other writing program: http://gottcode.org/focuswriter/ had the sounds but only for the program itself.

However, Focuswriter lacks in a lot of other respects, so I’d rather stay with Libre.

Any plans of adding optional typing sounds in LibreOffice in one of your updates? :slight_smile:

Or do you know if Ubuntu has any such plans to support the rhythm of creative writing?

I’d really like that!

There is a piece of software on Git that does this.


It needs the python-xlib package, so you’ll need that first.

To download it, just run the following in the terminal:

wget -O keypress.tar.gz https://github.com/chrelad/keypress/tarball/master
tar xvfz keypress.tar.gz && cd chrelad

Then to start it, run:


If you want to change the sound, open keypress.py and look for the line that reads:

os.system(“aplay sounds/key01.wav”)

Change key01.wav to the name of the alternative sound file.

Can I use this on a Mac running Mountain Lion?

I’d really like some kind of typewriter sound in LibreOffice. As the commenter above, I also used the Colorpilot and also tried Focuswriter, both without success.