How to take commons between two columns in libre calc?

I have 4 columns, such as ASIN, ReviewText, ASIN, Title , Now I wanted to take ReviewText and Title with ASIN should be equal , Help me

It’s really unclear what you are asking. Are you trying to seperate text in one column to many other columns? (there is option in Data → Text to columns)

sorry for inconvenience , i wanted to take other column values if 2 column values are equal, LIke I have 2 ASIN as the columns, so I wanted fetch other column values if both ASIN values are equal ,

I think you are looking for VLOOKUP() function

The re is function called IF. So you write “=IF(B1>=A1;B1;A1)” this means: If value in column B1 is larger or equaly to A1, than write B1. Otherwise, write A1. Is this what you are looking?