Why get error msg when setting integer field to integer value?

“BASIC runtime error. An exception occurred Type: com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException Message: arguments len differ!.” Both type Integer–any suggestions?
I’m trying to select an item from a list box and transfer that value to a field in a table. Code follows:
Option Explicit
Global oForm, oControl As Object
Global ShowInt as Integer

Sub SetControlStr(FrmNam, CntrlNam, NewStr As String)
oForm = ThisComponent.DrawPage.Forms.GetByName(FrmNam)
oControl = oForm.GetByName(CntrlNam)
End Sub

Sub SetControlInt(FrmNam, CntrlNam As String, NewInt As Integer)
oForm = ThisComponent.DrawPage.Forms.GetByName(FrmNam)
oControl = oForm.GetByName(CntrlNam)
End Sub

Sub ExecuteAction_AccountListBox
oForm = ThisComponent.DrawPage.Forms.GetByName(“LogQueryForm1”)
oControl = oForm.GetByName(“lstAccountListBox”)
ShowInt = oControl.ValueItemList(oControl.SelectedItems(0))
MsgBox ShowInt,0,“AccountListBox” 'Just for debugging
IF ShowInt = 1 Then 'New Account
Call SetControlStr(“LogQueryForm1”, “fmtAccountID”, “”)
Call SetControlStr(“LogQueryForm1”, “txtAccountCompany”, “”)
Call SetControlStr(“LogQueryForm1”, “txtAccountNbr”, “”)
Call SetControlStr(“LogQueryForm1”, “txtAccountTyp”, “”)
Call SetControlStr(“LogQueryForm1”, “txtAcctDescrit”, “”)
Else 'Transfer list AccountID to AcctID
Call SetControlInt(“LogQueryForm1”, “fmtAcctID”, ShowInt) ’ ← Error comes here
End Sub