Extract part text from a cell

I want to extract part of the cell content matching a specific pattern and put in another cell.

Example: “Find What is the size?=Small”, remove “What is the size?=” and put “Small” in the new cell. The problem is “Small” doesn’t follow a particular length, pattern or list. It could be “Medium”, “XL”, “Big” etc.

Also the pattern can be anywhere in the string, also in the end. So I cannot necessarily assume there will be a comma at the end.

Here is three sample rows:

What is the size?=Small, Style=Super chick, How often?=Every 14. day, Which day=Friday, How long?=2 months, Note to order=Hello, thanks for the order

Style=Super chick, Which day=Friday, How long?=2 months, Note to order=Hello, thanks for the order, How often?=Every 14. day, What is the size?=Small

Style=Super chick, Which day=Friday, Note to order=Hello, thanks for the order, What is the size?=Small, How long?=2 months, How often?=Every 14. day

What is the size?=Small, Note to order=Hello, thanks for the order


If your text “Find What is the size?=Small” is in cell A1,

try the following function :

=RIGHT(A1;LEN(A1)-LEN(“Find What is the size?=”)-FIND(“Find What is the size?=”;A1)+1)

Thanks for the fast relpy. It seems that the only thing that happen is that “What is the size?=” get removed. Also “Find” Apparently should be there either.

First, I assume you want to split that on arbitrary data (question&answer), not just for “What is the size?=”.

Second, I assume that all data is paired data, i.e. if there is a question then there’s also an answer, even if empty, but then it would be =, or = , if somewhere within the cell.

Select your data column and invoke menu Data -> Text to Columns..., in Separator Options choose Comma and Other and in the Other field enter the = equal sign. Verify in preview that the records are split as desired and hit OK.

You then have a table where alternating every first column is a question and every second column is the corresponding answer.

A pretty good solution. But the question/answer is not always in the same position in the text. Therefore the columns will not match up…

Then you best go with helper columns, like, assuming data starts in row 2:

in O1: What is the size?=

in M2: =FIND(O$1,A2,1)+LEN(O$1)

in N2: =IFERROR(FIND(",",A2,M2),LEN(A2)+1)

in O2: =MID(A2,M2,N2-M2)

With this you can select M2:O2 and copy&paste it down to other rows.