Does LibreOffice clash with Windows 10?

“Insert page numbers” simply inserts the numeral 1 throughout the document. I have just wasted an hour.

LibreOffice runs fine on Windows 10, and page numbering is fine too. Make sure that you did the right thing there. (Menu) - Insert - Field - Page number does exactly what it should do on my system.
Please press Ctrl+F9 to turn on Field names - if the page number (which should have a gray background) in your header or footer doesn’t turn into “Page numbers” with a gray background, you didn’t insert a field but some constant.

EDIT If the field shows like a gray box saying “Page numbers”, press the Ctrl and F9 keys together to display the content.

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Thank you floris v. I followed this instruction for previous documents and it automatically paginated THROUGHOUT the document. This time: I set FOOTER:ON, go to FOOTER area: INSERT-FIELD-PAGE NUMBER and enter 1 into the PAGE NUMBER space. The system assigns the numeral 1 THROUGHOUT. I am no further forward.

Don’t enter a number in the field area - that overwrites the field. Leave the page numbering to the field, that handles everything automatically.

So, presumably, individual page numbers only show themselves on printing? Thank you again.

No, they show up straightaway, unless you overwrite the field. Please follow up instructions to the letter, don’t add anything on your own. Just insert the page number field, and then leave it alone.