Can't locate ~lock.filename.odt# , which keeps regenerating

Libreoffice spreadsheet crashed and left behind a ’ ~lock.filename.odt# '. I’ve deleted that file from my document folder, but the file keeps regenerating and causes Libreoffice to go into recovery mode every time it’s launched.

This happened a few years ago, and I was able to fix the problem by deleting the original lock file, which was hidden in a folder somewhere. I can’t find the hidden file this time; does anyone know where the master ‘lock’ file resides (in Windows XP) ?

Thank you

What does happen if you kill the recovery attempt? It should not be the lockfile causing LibO to try a recovery but the original crash (logged in another place)…

Any Libreoffice launch will bring up the recovery window, which lists the file that crashed. Pressing ESC or closing the recovery box will take me to that file, which then appears normal.

Under normal circumstances the lock file disappears when a document is closed properly. In my case the lock file wont go away. After I delete it, it will regenerate and show up again in my document folder.

…Pressing ESC or closing the recovery box…
There should be a button labeled ‘Discard Recovery Data’.

Did you already try to reset your user profile? (Be careful!)

Thank you very much.
The button ‘Discard Recovery Data’ worked, and LibO no longer recycles through recovery mode at every launch. I was reluctant to choose that button for fear of discarding the data in my file. I read that button label ambiguously ( Discard… Data ) don’t you know :slight_smile:
And thanks for the link to the user profile. I did experiment with renaming my user folder, which confirmed that the problem was located there.