Base: alternating row color

I just transitioned a record of all my musical works from Excel to Base so that I wouldn’t have to maintain multiple lists.

The only thing I’m lacking is a way to alternate the row color on reports, like this. I want each entry to be easier to read across the page.

Is this possible in Base? I would prefer not to use Calc since I am using groups.

An explanation of how to do this is found in the Reports chapter of the Base Handbook starting on page 35. For pdf click here. For more Base/LO documentation click here

Edit: Sample -
MusicListReports.odb with alternating line colors

Thanks for the link. It seems I need to recreate my report with the Report Builder rather than the wizard…

I’d be surprised if you had to start over. Never been a problem for me.

I can’t find how to add the counter or how to do conditional formatting in the Writer editor.

Will look at and try to get sample to you probably later.

I figured out a solution that works: I can open the report as an editable ODT doc and apply AutoFormatting that way. It just means I have to do it every time I update, but it’s pretty quick.

Just to have it (already done when I saw your post) the alternating lines are on report “MUSICLISTdescNOPrint”. The counter is just a text box (reduced to minimum width so it appears invisible) and conditional formatting is under the menu item Format. BTW - conditional formatting doesn’t always take first - some took me two or three tries. Might be a bug?