Saving (and updating) only one calc sheet in html

I have found that LO cannot save or export only one calc sheet (not whole file) to html-format. Is it possible? I am also interested in updating corresponding html-file while upgrading a main document.

Hi @Harvester,

Looks like you have two separate questions:

  1. Can you export a single sheet from a multi-sheet Calc file to HTML?
  2. Can you set up a hook so that when an ODT file is saved, an HTML version is automatically exported as well?

That sound right?

Yes, it still is topical


You’ll have to make a copy of the sheet and do Save as…

A good way to do that is to do

  1. Right-click on the sheet
  2. Select Move-copy sheet…
  3. In Action section choose Copy
  4. In Location section To Document > - new document -
  5. OK, and then Save as…

But I would like as less as possible gestures

I tried this with a source sheet containing references. In the export file the entries of the copied sheet show the value #REF!. Do I have to somehow link the new ods-file to the source file?