Reverse value: "07-03-2014" to "2014-03-07

The values are all in different rows in the same column.

Find and replace wouldn’t work because it’s many values like this that I want to reverse (“05-02-2013”, “12-12-2012”, etc).

Are you sure “07” was “DD” in your example “07-03-2014” from the subject line? Concerning the USA I would even be afraid someone placed “MM” first.

Find and replace should work, with regular expressions.

In the find and replace dialogue, under other options, make sure regular expressions is checked.

Then search for: ([0-9]{2})-+([0-9]{2})-+([0-9]{4})

and replace with: $3-$2-$1

This searches for a pattern of two digits, a dash, two digits, a dash, and four digits. It then simply reverses the order of the components. See List of Regular Expressions - LibreOffice Help for more detail.

It worked for a simple example in both a text document and a spreadsheet, but it is not extensively tested. Someone with greater skills in using regular expressions may be able to improve on this. Hope it helps.

Thank you very much for the fast response! It worked perfectly.