80 page document, Writer is incredibly slow to load (5-8 hours)

I tried adjusting the allowed memory and all that, no luck. I’ve re-installed and it didn’t change a thing, desperate to work on my document in a timely fashion. Having to wait overnight to open my document is torture.

I’m using windows 10, LibreOffice 5 and it was working fine up until last week.

Saved in what format? As docx? Is it plain text or are there many graphics or complex tables in it?

This may help: Reset your user profile. See Frequently asked questions - General - The Document Foundation Wiki - important: rename the folder, don’t delete it.

There are a number of tables, No more than 20, maybe six graphics and it is in .RTF.

Saved in RTF? That explains it. Always save in the native format of the software that you use. Save as .odt and your problems will disappear.

It seems to be loading the same. The document seems to keep freezing and unfreezing every seven seconds or so. (Flashing not responding and will not close without the task manager)

Start a new document and copy/paste the content of the bad file into the new one. See if that helps.